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SPINETTA - Burson Max

干口紅葡萄酒 - Longanesi IGP 意大利認證級

  • 產區: Faenza Hills, Emilia-Romagna 法恩莎, 艾米利亞-羅馬涅 意大利中部
  • 葡萄: 100% Longanesi 朗格內西

  • 酒精量 : 14.5%

  • 色澤: 深石榴紅色

  • 氣味: 強烈持久的成熟黑色水果,香料,香草香味,也帶點小木果實特色

  • 口感: 濃郁,結構平衡,富力量,質地柔軟和質樸的單寧、持久。屬於最高級的葡萄酒。

  • 享用溫度: 20°-22°C

  • 食物配搭: 烤紅肉、烤肉、野味鹿肉等,陳年芝士,烤麵食。

  • 釀製方法: 只採用最好年份的葡萄。該年6月底,為了獲得更好的質量,葡萄被精確地揀選;然後選擇朝向太陽的葡萄串; 這個葡萄酒是在木箱中釀造的。 葡萄酒首先釀造約15天,再經多次改裝。期後存於法國橡木桶內大約18個月陳釀老化,最後於酒瓶內陳釀6個月。



白葡萄酒 - IGT 意大利認證葡萄酒

  • 產區 : 意大利中部Toscana
  • 葡萄 : 50% Malvasia white, Grechetto 25%, Vermentino 25%
  • 酒精量 : 13.5%
  • 氣味 : 黃色的花朵和熱帶水果的的果香
  • 口感 : 口感帶有令人愉快的新鮮感
  • 享用溫度  : 10-12°C
  • 食物配搭 : 作為開胃酒, 配上奶酪, 火腿, 海鮮或魚
  • 釀製 : 葡萄收割後會去莖並連皮冷凍保存至少12小時; 隨後在12-14℃的受控溫度下在不銹鋼罐中發酵。及後在水泥缸中連酵母發酵陳釀老化6個月,再在瓶中進一步老化3個月。


SPINETTA - Burson Max

Still RED Wine - Longanesi IGP

  • Region : Faenza hills, Emilia Romagna
  • Grapes : Uva Longanesi 
  • Alcohol : 14.5%
  • Color : intense garnet red
  • Olfactory : little underwood fruits, characteristic
  • Tasting : dry, full-bodied, lightly tannic and persistent
  • Serving Temp : 20°-22°C
  • Food pairing : grilled red meat, rost meat, game
  • Vinification : at the end of june, in order to obtain a better quality, the grapes are accurately thinned out; then selection of sun-facing bunches of grapes; the vintage is made in crates. Wine making on the vinasse for about 15 days, with frequent refitting. Improvement in French oak barriques for about 18 months. Refining in bottle for 6 months. 



White Wine - IGT Toscana

  • Region : Toscana  
  • Grapes : 50% Malvasia white, Grechetto 25%, Vermentino 25%
  • Alcohol : 13.5%
  • Olfactory : hints of yellow flowers and tropical fruit to the nose
  • Tasting : on the palate a pleasant fresh sensation
  • Serving Temp : 10-12°C
  • Food pairing : Aperitif, cheese, ham, seafood or fish 
  • Vinification : After harvesting, the grapes are de-stemmed and left in cryomaceration for at least 12 hours in contact with the skins; subsequent fermentation of the must in stainless steel at a controlled temperature of 12-14 ° C. Aging in cement tanks in contact with the fermentation yeast for 6 months and further ageing in the bottle for 3 months.

[Dragon Year] Italian (dry) Red & White wine set

HK$538.00 Regular Price
HK$188.00Sale Price

6 pcs Discount -20% (任何6件以上8折)

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